
Our current fund-raising drives

Become a “Godfather” of a specific project!


We are empowered by anything you can give. All donations will flow into the implementation of our projects. Additionally you could become a godfather for a specific project. By becoming a Godfather you will contribute exclusively to an important part of our progress. With regular donations to your project of your choice, you will be privy to the amazing development in people’s lives and be able to track the project’s success from concept to completion.

Please write us an email to if you are interested in being a godfather of a Sanito project. Together with you and the local people on Ometepe we can also develop a new project idea, you could become godfather for.

Our donation account in Germany is:

Account holder:Sanito – Förderverein für ein gesundes Leben in Nicaragua e.V.
Bank:Deutsche Skatbank
Intended purpose:Spende + Surname, Name

The German Sanito association is a nonprofit association; therefore your donations are tax deductible in Germany. For donations less than 200 €, it is sufficient to settle the tax return with a copy of the relevant bank statement. When donating more than 200 € we issue a donation receipt, that is tax-deductible in Germany. In this case, please make sure to put your complete address on the remittance slip. We will send donation receipts at the beginning of the following year.

100 % of your donation will be spent on our projects!


So far, all our projects are exclusively financed by private donations. We would very much appreciate your support as we continue to work towards our projected goals.

We believe that our community driven initiative significantly differs from big aid agencies in terms of effective use of resources as 100% of donations to Sanito is spent directly on community projects.

How is that possible?

  • Administration costs are minimal, and covered entirely by membership fees and member’s donations, as our German board of directors and other members work voluntarily for Sanito.
  • So far we have managed to contain expenses such as publicity events and fund them entirely with our generous member donations.
  • Travel expenditures by the members of the German association to Nicaragua are the personal liability of each member.