Spread the word about us!
In order to become more widely known we need your support. Tell your friends and family about us or spread some of our advertising materials. Here are some examples of how you can help us:
- Share our flyers with interested people in your environment!
- Put a poster of Sanito at your school, university or even at work.
- Do you have a stand at a flea market? Use this occasion to spread out some of our advertising materials.
- Do you have to prepare a presentation for your Spanish class or at university? Maybe you could present Sanito and our work if it fits the topic. We provide you with a PowerPoint template and other materials you could use for this.
- Tell about your experience with us! You could do this within a personal chat or via social media.
We would like to help you with the design of your advertisement for us. Please write to contact@sanito.de
You can use the following materials:
- Logo Sanito
- Poster Sanito
- Sanito Flyer
- PowerPoint template Sanito
Please note that we are still working on our poster. As soon as it will be available, we will place it here at your disposal.
Follow us on Facebook!
Do you like our work and our page on facebook? Then click on “like“ and follow us. We regularely report about news and ongoing activities of our associations. Our posts you can share with your friends, so that they will also be informed about us.
Follow here the activities of Sanito Nicaragua!
Follow here the activiteis of Sanito Germany!